Saturday, December 25, 2010


 Yuletide Pic Dump

This makes me laugh so freakin much

This makes me sad.

Just another day at the beach...

Happy Holidays from O.J. Simpson

I hope all of you got everything you wanted from Santa this year, and if you didn't, maybe let's try not to be such a douche in 2011.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

MMA Jesus

MMA  Jesus

I came across this picture, and I decided that this holiday season, let's not think of Jesus pitifully sacrificing himself for our sins -and getting the ultimate MMA beat down - in a weak, and feeble way. Let's imagine that he did this because he COULD. He did this because he could take the heat. Kinda like the Christian Bale Batman taking the heat for killing Two-Face (uhm...that dude  that plays that other dude from the movie, 'The Core'). Sorry for comparing Jesus Christ to Batman, both are pretty bad far as imaginary superheroes go, but I digress. My point is, if you're religious, how about changing the image of Jesus dying for our sins from what we usually see, to this: 


"Excuse me Mary Magdalene, can you tell me which way it is to the sling show?"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays, but Mind the Ice

Happy Holidays, but Mind the Ice

Original vid:

Click the image for enjoyment

I love the head bounce.

Thanks to @Sciritai

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fortune Cookie!

Need some adventure and enjoyment? 
Take a vacation.

(Thanks Tina!)

Why I like Science Fiction Quote

To me, the biggest selling point of science fiction is to take one out of the realm of reality and allowing us to "escape" for a brief period....this is prolly why most scifi fans loath reality TV; it's kinda the opposite of what most of us are looking for in our entertainment.

-Quote from a user on SyFy.Com

Sunday, December 19, 2010



If god didn't want us to masturbate,
He would've made our arms shorter.
Maybe that's why
the T-Rex was always so angry.

What women see.


2002 - Who's That Guy Next to Rachel?
2009 - Who's that bitch next to House?


It's a Duck!

FACT: 1 in 5 Women Are Lesbians

Nice To See You
Why don't you have a seat over there?

I noticed that they're all facing forward except Lincoln.
I guess once somebody sneaks up behind you and shoots you in the head, 
you never really get over it.

Oh God:
One of your lights is out

Science vs Religion:
It's simple really

This totally trips me out.

Unicorns are real, 
they're just fat and grey, and we call them rhinos.

-What is it?
-It's called a "Snooki", it's very famous.

I love doritos.
But they are SO LOUD.
(*disclaimer* Holocaust jokes aren’t funny, anne frank-ly i won’t stand for it)

"Brian, will you take me to Baby Gap?
I want to dress like a small douche."

-I want to break up.
-I want to break down!
unce unce unce unce unce unce unce unce unce unce unce unce

 "Edward, I just changed my tampon,
would you like some tea?"

Why Would You Defend America

Why Would You Defend America?

Since you're writing this to me, that probably means that you have a computer and Internet connection, which is something 75% of the world doesn't have, and if you're American then odds are you have a roof over your head, which is something a lot of people in other countries don't have too. So, if you're privileged enough to have a computer, like most other people in America are, then you don't have too many "fucking problems". Civil war, genocide, cannibalism, getting stoned to death for being homosexual, starving to death - that's having a lot of fucking problems. The US doesn't have too much of those things. So how about you sit the fuck down, and be grateful for what America has, instead of bitching because it's not your perfect utopia full of rainbows and unicorns.